Mr. Manjunath Bhandary, Chairman extended a warm welcome to the Students. Mr. Bhandary initiated the session by giving an insight on present employment status and gap existing between Industry Expectations and Actual Outcome. He reiterated that they have to enjoy this four year Engineering course & take the maximum opportunity offered by Institute to them in terms of learning the course. There are Industry related training & initiatives like value added program, internship which should be made use to the maximum extent by students. He highlighted that “Nothing comes easy and every academic course has its own set of hardships. But what will make you different from the rest is your will to excel and triumph against all odds”. Companies expectation from students are in terms of Project based learning, Industry exposure, presentation skills Communication & dressing sense. In his concluding remarks, he mentioned about Real Engineers are the one’s who understand Societal problems & develop a much required solution for the same. Also, he emphasized on the value of life skills and encouraged students to follow the actual meaning of Engineering wherein they Engineer and develop things for the good of society and mankind.
Chairman holds Interactive Sessions with New Entrants to the Engineering Stream